And We're back!

Well Folks, we done it again.

We rocked St Louis Con-tamination 2010.

TWO sold out shows, Standing Room Only.

Made a lot of new friends, & got to catch up with friends we have already.

There'll be more pics forthcoming, but here's some impressions off the top of my head:

1) Dave, Sue & the rest of the crew at Dyer Straits put on a great show. Running a Con ain't easy. They did it with Style and Grace. I eagerly await Contamination 2011.

2) Seka is a pistol. Loads of class, great sense of humor.

3) Day of the Dead drinking game - not for the weak of heart (or liver!)

3 1/2) Seriously, I had to stop playing midway through the first reel. Of course I had already been drinking all day. And it was the midnight movie.

4) Speaking of Day of the Dead, has it really been 25 years? You can't tell by looking at Lori Cardille. I mean, the lady just glows...

5) Getting to meet Russel Streiner, John Russo & George Kosana from the original NOTLD. Swell bunch of fellas. I always take heart when folks from the original movie appreciate the work we do.

6) Kyra Schon, as always, we love you.

7) You too, Gary Klar. Nicest guy in the world. If you ever get a chance to meet him or Kyra at a convention, do it. They really appreciate their fans. Sunday, when the dealers (and us) were loading out to go home, Gary was still signing autographs at his table. Pure Class.

8) Gary "Deej" Ugarek - Once again, you are the Dude. Thanks for all the support and pimping of our show. (and lending a hand when the show almost went 3-D) Everyone out there should check out Deadlands & Deadlands 2. Old School zombie flick at it's best.

And most of all, I'd like to thank the cast and crew of NOTLD - tps. It's your hard work and dedication that make these experiences possible. I am so blessed to be able to do what I love with all of my best friends. I know I say that a lot, but that's 'cuz it's true.

Keep an eye on this space, folks. We'll be making it a little prettier. There's also going to be new video, tons more pics, and Who knows what else.

And don't be a stranger - leave a comment!