Zombie Road Trip!

By tomorrow this time, the whole Angry Young Men Ltd crew will be on the road to St. Louis for Con-tamination 2010!

Tomorrow St Louis, the Day After, THE WORLD!

Movin' right along...

Actually, this is the furthest from Home that we've travelled with our little zombie puppet show. It makes One a little nervous. What if our lights and sound equipment fail? What if we bomb? What if half our cast dies in horrible fiery car wrecks on the way there?

But, inversely, what if we're a HUGE success? What if we sell out of swag? What if we can't fit all our fans in the show space? What if some Producer-type in attendance offers us a dump truck full of cash?

What if we become successful beyond our wildest dreams? Based on our trajectory so far, it could happen...

But for now, i'll be plenty happy puttin' on a show with a dozen of my best friends...
(I'll fill you in when I get back)