Press Dump

I thought I'd just leave this here; it's a pretty swell review.

(Good-lookin' reviewer, too...)

Angry Young Men, Ltd. presents NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD: THE PUPPET SHOW… that’s right. The young and talented crew of delightfully demented theatre folk put on quite the entertaining and hilarious comical homage to the 1968 classic NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD, updated just enough to be socio-politically current. The creators clearly have a respectful admiration for the original film from George Romero, as well for the underlying metaphors that were present just beneath the surface of the flesh-eating zombies. Angry Young Men, Ltd. take their comedy/horror show on the road, so check their website for upcoming dates playing near you… it’s a frightfully good time!

The rest of their Con-tamination 2010 coverage can be found at