ZombieConX in review

 I'm still decompressing and processing from the great weekend we had at ZombieConX. While I'm waiting for pictures and edited footage, I'll just say a few thanks:
 Kevin - You throw a great party. Everybody agrees with me. Thanks for making the whole thing possible. See you next year.
 Gary & Joe - You guys are the coolest. Thanks for making US feel like the celebrities there.
 Kyra - We love you.
 DJ, - You da man. Thanks for the great review, and I got Deadlands 2 in my dvd player, ready to go.
 And most importantly, to all my Zombiteers - Great Work.
 As much fun as I had this weekend, having all of my closest friends there with me made it something magical. Nothing but love from your Grand Poobah.
 Enough sentimentality. Stay tuned for the Post-Game report.
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