A message from the Grand Poobah...

 Hola, Zombiteers!
(and fans of zombies, puppets, zombie puppets, corny jokes, cold beer, "safety meetings", and DIY theatre)
 Welcome to the Night Of The Living Dead (the puppet show) website. Here, you'll (maybe) find a showcase of info about our fleecy little homage to the Romero classic.
 I'm Billy Ray. I'm the Producer, Writer, (sometime)Director, as well as Performer. Since that takes too @#$%-ing long to say, just call me the Grand Poobah.
 This is our third year doing this show. This year we have some new faces, a rebuilt 'cast', and some new 'bits' added to the show. I'll try to keep y'all updated regularly with pics, video, interviews with the folks behind the scenes, and whatever odds and ends happen to vom forth through the 'tubes to your 'puter screens.
 Blog Ho!
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